Welcome to CFM Logistics
CFM Logistics – Central Freight Management – was founded in 1995, by a group of supply chain professionals, in order to create a cost-effective alternative to self-distribution and in-house freight management. While most Food Manufacturers, Grocery Companies, and Wholesalers store and ship product, it just is not their core competency.
The transportation market today is complex and challenging. It is becoming even more so with the increasing need for cutting edge and ever changing technology, pending government regulations for food and transportation, as well as, driver and fuel uncertainties. Many arguments can be made regarding in-house management vs. outsourcing.
The costs associated make it nearly impossible for medium and small shippers to have the up to date in-house expertise to effectively utilize the best transportation mode, respond to production and market fluctuations and finally to accurately know your true cost per case.
At CFM Logistics, we are more than just a Supply Chain Management company. We have the logistics expertise and the network to determine the best transportation mode. We start by gaining an understanding your Company’s current operation, your goals and your challenges. We then begin to create a customized supply chain solution for your specific needs of inbound and outbound freight management, freight consolidation, distribution and warehousing. We utilize cutting-edge technology, our private fleet, a vast partner carrier network, and our multiple warehouses to effectively respond to your market disruptions. We will even provide you with on-site personnel to work hand in hand with your procurement, production and transportation staff. Our knowledge, network and technology is shared with your company costing far less than in-house management.
A well run supply chain not only saves your company money, it decreases delivery times, improves customer service and creates logistic efficiencies. Additionally, leveraging freight consolidation and a strong distribution program lowers expenses for you to compete more effectively in the market place.
What Sets CFM Logistics Apart?
Supply Chain Management Company
Most Transportation and Logistics firms focus their efforts on providing outbound service. CFM sets itself apart by focusing on the entire supply chain, providing full Truckload and Less-than- truckload service for refrigerated, frozen and dry products, as well as, Intermodal, Air, Warehousing and Shuttle service. We go a step further and use our many years of experience in the food and grocery business to “unbundle” your inbound delivered costs and evaluate your pick-up allowances to identify hidden savings. To date, CFM Logistics is the only Third Party Logistics group offering this complete supply chain solution.
Who We Work With
CFM works with large shippers with multiple shipping locations and modes of transportation, as well as medium and small food manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors and grocery companies. Our Customers also include private equity firms seeking portfolio company reviews. CFM Logistics offers a free analytic review of your current supply chain model and we develop a full spectrum plan to reduce your supply chain costs while improving customer satisfaction. This benefits your company by identifying cost savings opportunities, or by confirming that you company’s practices are achieving optimal operation success.
We work with your Management team, Associates and philosophies. We can assume full on-site responsibility for your complete supply chain, or manage Inbound, Outbound, Shuttle and Warehouse programs. We can even fill a simple void in your operation, working together to create a dynamic solution with evolutionary results. Let us create a solution for you!
Learn More About Our Supply Chain Management Solutions
If you would like to learn more about the supply chain management solutions CFM Logistics can offer your company, contact our logistics company by phone at 314-737-4302. Allow us to review your supply chain management practices today so we can help you determine the best solutions to fit your business’ needs!
HINDUSTAN物流 - 整合优势为您创造优势......
物流管理如今已成为每个企业的重要组成部分。在Hindustan Logistics,我们专注于以专业的专业知识和轻松管理和提供这一功能。我们是印度高度评价和充满活力的物流集团之一。通过利用我们的联营公司积累的优势,我们为您提供独特的运营优势和真正的ONE STOP物流解决方案体验。这个小PLUS是一个很大的不同。快来体验全球物流的HLPL方式吧!
- 海运费
- 陆运费
- 装箱费
- 港杂费
- 报检费
- 帮助客户提高工作效率、节省运输成本。
- 加快了货物到港速度,令客人感到在驰远配载的货物
- 提供各类进出口、海空运、散杂货等进出口运输服务
- 公司的服务航线遍及包括东亚、波斯湾、非洲等在内的全球各地。
- 我们为客户提供优秀的产品、良好的技术支持、健全的售后服务
公司一直致力于最专业的物流服务,立志为客户提供最完善的物流方案。本着“诚信协作,信用无限”的宗旨,我们在宁波潜心开发了,适合当地产品和市场的航线。在我们所推广的航线中,我们对于每一家代理所需要的航线,航程,运价资询,都尽量做到提供当地所有承运人信息。,当地操作,船舶计划,文件发送,货物跟踪,努力做到精益求精,在保证服务质量的前提下, 为客户提供最优惠,最快捷的服务。
以高效控制服务来发展全球网络合作伙伴以拓展国际经营范围。通过内外运输资源的合理配置和有效掌控,通过系统共享和流程协调, 使客户既可以得到公司低廉的外部运输资源又没有服务质量不达标之虞。自成立以来,在拼搏、进取和发展中积累了丰富的航运代理经验
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